you haven't replied to the pd list, so I'm bringing it back to the list. Please don't reply directly just to me, keep this thread in the list ;)

2017-10-01 15:31 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <>:

2017-10-01 15:04 GMT-03:00 Ali Momeni <>:

By support for many externals that can be loaded into Vanilla, you mean ones that have a GUI?  or others too?

Mostly GUI, and not just graphical objects, things like [cyclone/MouseState].

Moreover, there are some external libraries that were not provided for Extended but are now provided for Vanilla and not included in Purr Data, and some are not compatible too.

There's also the case of a library being updated and available for Vanilla, but not on Purr Data yet. Like cyclone, which has new versions since early 2017 but hasn't made into Purr Data yet. 

There might be a notion that Vanilla is limited, and Purr Data or extended more complete. I challenge that notion.

Oh, and if you're into libpd, that's also something that you need Vanilla for.

And yeah, I say Purr Data is still less stable than Vanilla.
