Hi Claude,
sorry that it
took so long to test and to answer to your suggestion.
I tried it with
[readsf~] and [tabwrite~] plus [switch~ 64 1 32] and it works perfectly.
It's about 40% of
the speed (upsampling 32x)compared to[soundfiler] and has absolutely no
dropouts or any other artifacts (so far).
The only annoying
thing is that it may take forever setting all the table sizes (around 3000
samples) manually.
I tried [wavinfo]
but it didn't really work. It may be better anyway not to change anything about
the tablesizes while loading in background.
However it will
spped up loading time from currently 1 minute 45 sec to about 30-40 seconds. That's
absolutely great.
Thanks for the
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Claude
Heiland-Allen [mailto:claudiusmaximus@goto10.org]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 12.
Februar 2008 13:14
> An: Ingo Scherzinger
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re:
[PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in
> background)
> Ingo
Scherzinger wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > does
anybody know if there is an alternative method to soundfiler in
> > order
to load wave files into tables.
> [readsf~]
and [tabwrite~] in an upsampled subpatch (with [block~]).
> No -resize
support there though, and it's only "N times" faster than
> real time,
not "as fast as possible without dropouts".
> Claude
> --
> http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org