Hi list!

I'm finishing an application using PD & Processing (great combination for sound applications with easy & nice GUI!), but I have a little problem.

I use OSC communication (oscx library) to send & receive values from Processing to PD.
PD receive data from GUI control in Processing, and send values stored in text files (sssad based saving state system) to Processing in order to change some presets.
Everything it's OK!

But Processing OSCP5 library send error sometimes when receive values from PD because it expetcs floats but receive some integers!
These values PD send are in the range from 0 to 1, therefore the problem appear when is sent a 0 or 1 (integers values).

I send this values with a [pack f f f f f f f f f f f f f] object, so I suposse any integer is converted in this way to a float, but I was wrong because Processing reads something like f f f f i f f f f i f f f (where i values are 0 or 1). Even if I edit the text file where values are stored, and I change 0 with 0.0 and 1 with 1.0, the same error appear.

How can I avoid this problem? Do I need to put a [float] object before each [pack f f f f f f f f f f f f f] inlet to make implicit the conversion?
Or it is this behaviour an oscx bug?

Thanks in advance!


Raul Diaz Poblete
Barcelona [Spain]