Hi all, apologies for x-posting
International Conference on Live Interfaces - new deadline for submissions: February 21st!
Due to popular requests we have decided to extend the deadlines for submissions for one week after the paper deadline: the new deadline for all submission categories is now midnight February 21st.
Please find original call below. We have some wonderful news about a fantastic newly acquired sound system in the Attenborough Centre where the performances, workshops and some of the paper sessions will be. ACCA will host afternoon performances and there will club nights in town.
We can also confirm that Doctoral Colloquium organiser Joe Watson will be aided in this task by Sally Jane Norman, Professor of Performance Technologies and Sussex Humanities Lab co-director. This session will promote intensive exchange among practitioners and theorists selected from a wide array of 'live interface' research perspectives.
We are also excited to announce that the Meeting House will be open for workshop activities, so if people would be interested in running a workshop that would involve a newly refurbished church organ which can be remote controlled by MIDI, that could be an interesting option.
Please find the call pasted here below:
On the behalf of the ICLI organisation committee,
Thor Magnusson
International Conference on Live Interfaces
Call for Proposals
NOTE: Extension of Deadline: February 21st! - Due to popular demand, we have decided to extend the submission deadline for ALL CATEGORIES until midnight February 21st.
The third International Conference on Live Interfaces will be held on June 29th - July 3rd 2016 at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK. The conference will bring together people working with live interfaces in the performing arts, including music, the visual arts, dance, puppetry, robotics or games.
The conference scope is highly interdisciplinary but with a focus on expressive interface technologies for performance. Topics of liveness, immediacy, presence (and tele-presence), mediation, collaboration and timing or flow are engaged with and questioned in order to gain a deeper understanding of the role that contemporary media technologies play in human expression.
We wish to host work that will create a space of multiplicity, in order to investigate how disciplinary concerns inform different but overlapping approaches to interface design. The conference consists of paper presentations, performances, interactive installations, poster demonstrations, a doctoral colloquium and workshops. Works engaging with the principles and assumptions governing interaction design, including perspectives from art, philosophy, product design, and engineering are especially welcome.
We invite submissions that address critical and reflective approaches to key themes in the design and use of live interfaces. A wide range of approaches are encouraged by people from all possible backgrounds. The submission categories are the following:
5-8 pages. We are interested in submissions that address the conference topics listed below. The papers must consist of an original contribution to the field of artistic interfaces for live performance, describe its context, and demonstrate a rigorous research methodology. Paper authors may additionally present their work in the demo session.
3-6 pages. These are shorter artistic demonstrations of work or concepts. Space will be provided for posters and tables for demoing work. A link to an online video is required for posters and demos.
Doctoral Colloquium
2-6 pages. This could be in the form of a paper presentation, demonstration or a short performance. The doctoral colloquium will be an opportunity for researchers to present their work and meet other doctoral students in related fields, to discuss current research and approaches to practice-based research, and receive guidance from more experienced researchers. The day will include a session of short presentations in the morning, a symposium in the afternoon, and a short workshop in live interfaces in the early evening, finishing with food and drinks in the Digital Humanities Lab. The day is co-organised by a Sussex PhD researcher Joe Watson and Professor Sally Jane Norman, a co-director of the Sussex Humanities Lab.
Performances, Installations and Workshops
2-4 pages. Proposals should clearly articulate how the work or workshop develops the design, use or conceptualisation of live interfaces as related to one or more of the conference themes and should comprise: a) A description of the work (including duration), b) an image (where appropriate), c) a link to online examples of the work, d) a 150-word biography for each collaborator, and e) a technical rider (with stage layout, audiovisual setup, and equipment to be provided by the venue).
The performance venues will suite a range of performance styles and include concert hall, club, modernist meeting house and church venues. Performers will have access to grand piano and pipe organ (victorian and modern, MIDI controllable). A decent quality stereo PA will be available in each space; lights and projectors on request. Contact artistic chair with any queries.
Installation proposals should include description of the space and set-up time required.
Workshop and demo proposals should specify the number of people that can be accommodated and the duration (e.g. hour, half day, full day). Workshops and installations will be located in spaces across the University of Sussex campus.
The proceedings will be published online in collaboration with
REFRAME Books (MFM, University of Sussex). They will be Open Access, with Creative Commons attribution, and with an ISBN number. Each individual paper will receive a
Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Conference Themes
- New Performance Interfaces: prosthesis, extensions
- Human Computer interaction: human-machine relationships
- Automata, non-humans, AI: autonomy in artistic performance
- Space, sound, installations: performing with installations
- Theory, Digital Arts, Culture: Interface theory
- Computer games, game theory: gameplay as performance art
- Audiovisual and multimodal works: multimodal performances
Topics include, but are not restricted to:
- New interfaces for musical expression
- Non-musical performance interfaces
- Multimodal and multisensory media
- Augmented stage technologies
- Audiovisual performance
- Biophysical sensors
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Artificial intelligence and ALife in interfaces
- Notation for new interfaces
- Live coding in music, video, animation, dance
- Experimental gaming interfaces
- Magic and illusionism in performance
- Robotics and performance systems
- Embodiment
- Timing, timeliness, flow, narrative, memory
- Computer vision
- Haptic interfaces
- Puppetry and animation
- Tangible interaction
- Mapping strategies and design
- The Acoustic and the digital
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Interface design processes
- Ethnographic approaches to interface and instrument design
- Prototyping techniques
- Perceptual and cognitive issues
- Phenomenology of performance with digital media
- Philosophical and historical perspectives
- Audience interaction
- (Un)control and/or unpredictability
- Dramaturgy/choreography/composition with digital media
- Gesture recognition and motion tracking
- Language as an interface
- Approaches to interfacing Big Data
- Interfacing noise
- Interfaces for activism
- Comedy in the performance arts
- Post-digital interfaces
Submission categories
Papers and performance proposals must be written in English and should comply with the
Latex or
Word templates. Full papers must be submitted (not abstracts). The submission should be in a PDF format.
* Papers (5-8 pages)
* Poster/demo papers (3-6 pages)
* Doctoral Colloquium papers/performances (2-6 pages)
* Performances (2-4 page description, link to work, and a technical rider)
* Installations (2-4 page description, link to work, and a technical rider)
* Workshops (2-4 page description, link to work, and a technical rider)
All submissions will be received through the
EasyChair conference submission system.
The proceedings will be published online in collaboration with
REFRAME Books (MFM, University of Sussex). They will be Open Access, with Creative Commons attribution, and with an ISBN number. Each individual paper will receive a
Digital Object Identifier (DOI).