On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 15:38, Mathieu Bouchard <matju@artengine.ca> wrote:
Le 2011-11-04 à 08:56:00, Roman Haefeli a écrit :

You said "(as it is like with any string-splitter outside of pd/max)". I should have said it more precisely: It doesn't make sense to compare Pd/Max with anything outside of Pd/Max regarding string-splitting, because 'just' splitting symbols (without the implicit conversion to float for number-like symbols) is not very practical in the Pd/World.

How do you know that it isn't practical to have numeric symbols when splitting ?

If I read /etc/passwd (list of users on Linux&OSX) and I split at colons and commas to get phone numbers, do you think I want Pd's help at rounding a phone number from 383.3801 to 383.38 when converting (aller-retour) from symbol to float to symbol, because it had too many significant digits for Pd's taste ?

So, just call me at 383.38 because it's more practical than dialling 383.3801 ! ;)
Ultimately, who would dare to call James Bond "Agent 7"?
