I wondered if I could build a fat binary for 32/64 bits and arm, but I can forget about it, right?
So, yeah, doesn't seem possible, but I'm still not sure yet, and other than, it seems I can't mix in the download a fat binary (with 64/arm) along with some other binary for 32 bits (darwin or 'd_i386'). If I'm using Pd 32 bits it won't be able to load the correct one as it tries to load the fat one and fails!
I guess we can fix this by maybe changing the order of how Pd searches for the binaries (trying the fat one for last), but the problem is tha if I want to ship for the three architectures I have to use 3 separate binaries.
A fat one for the three would be ideal and if I choose to use fat I have to eliminate support for 32 bits or have it as a separate download in deken (not ideal as well, since ELSE is quite huge and takes a lot of space).
Anyway, what do you people have to say?
I think I'm just gonna let 32 bits go and provide it as a download on my repository under "releases", that should do it, right? What do you think?