[routeOSC] works with lists coming from [unpackOSC].
[oscparse] just needs a plain [route] because it outputs the
address components as a Pd list, e.g. "/foo/bar/baz 1 2 3" is
turned into "list foo bar baz 1 2 3".
the problems is that oscars for some reason does not send the / at the beginning of the osc signal, just 'list trigger0 0'and for this reason the routeOSC does not understand what it has to route.
What do I miss again?
I have[udpreceive 7000]|[oscparse]|[list trim]|[routeOSC /trigger0 /trigger1]
and nothing comes out on the outlets.
On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 1:34 PM Christof Ressi <info@christofressi.com> wrote:
[netreceive] absolutely did NOT work, under any configuration.[netreceive -u -b] is basically the same as [iemnet/udpreceive], so I don't see what should not work...
On 09.02.2021 10:27, Scott R. Looney wrote:
hi Csaba - i have done a fair amount of work with OSC in Unity and i highly recommend the extOSC plugin for this (it's free). https://github.com/Iam1337/extOSC
homemade OSC sounds cool but there are a lot of flavors and not all of them play well with PD. i tried a number of options and what worked on receive in PD was the following:
[iemnet/udpreceive] (with the port set at loadbang) -> [oscparse] - [list trim] and then [route] to send it places.
what worked on send to Unity was this: [oscformat (parameter) (value)] -> [list prepend send] -> [list trim] -> [netsend -u -b] (with the connect message to the address and port on loadbang).
i'm sure that might sound kludgy and terrible to experienced folks but the receiving setup works perfectly for me and [netreceive] absolutely did NOT work, under any configuration. haven't tested the sending option but it did work in the past.
happy to include a screenshot if you need it.
On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 1:09 AM Roman Haefeli <reduzent@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 2021-02-09 at 09:52 +0100, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
> PS: it would help *tremendously* if you could mention what you are
> actually using to receive OSC.
But also what you are using for _sending_ OSC messages. I gather you
wrote something in Unity. Are you sending in UDP or TCP? If you are
unsure what do you use, I'd go for UDP as it less complex and it is
much more common in OSC world. Also, switching transport protocols
means switching whole concepts. My advice is to stick with one and be
clear about what you use.
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