
I have a G4 as well and I have had the same problems...what I have found out is that rc4-extended for ppc uses a new version of Gem, unfortunately this new version has not be released for G4s (g5 only).


I have a work around where you swap an older version of Gem (used in extended pd 38) and replace it with the new version. This is easy to do and it means you can use Gem in rc4-extended, you don't even need to go into the terminal. If you want instructions let me know and I post them.


Can you not load any library at all? Do a test, open a new patch and type in [moog~] or [freeverb~]. If any of these objects have not loaded correctly it means you could have a plist conflict. I have had this problem as well and it is easy to sort out, again you don't need to go into the terminal. Please let me know if you require instructions


However PDP remains a mystery to me and if anyone has actually use PDP on osx at any point ever, please let me know.


Kind Thanks





On 7/23/07, Daniel Zajicek <danzajicek@gmail.com> wrote:

I have downloaded PD, and have been trying to get GEM to work for most
of today. I have downloaded
Pd-0.39.2-extended-rc4-macosx104-powerpc.dmg from Han's site
(http://at.or.at/hans/pd/installers.html), but I continually get
errors saying:

iemabs: can't load library
iemmatrix: can't load library
liblist: can't load library

pdp_text : severe error : could not load default font : no rendering !!!
pdp_qtext : severe error : could not load default font : no rendering !!!

In addition, I was unable to create objects, and instead pd would
create a box with a dashed line around it (is this a comment box?).

So, thwarted by that, I downloaded Miller's most current version of pd
40-2, and thought I might just put GEM on there myself, but I can't
figure out how to do it. This is my first time working with a program
like pd, and I could used some assistance either installing GEM, or
getting pd-extended to work.

If it helps, I am running OS 10.3.9, on an G4 powerbook.

Thanks in advance,
Dan Zajicek

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