I think it will also be difficult to compare systems, largely because it also depends on what you are doing in your patches. Some systems may have a fast enough CPU but slow file access which will only bother you if you are doing a lot from disk, etc. OTOH maybe this is something solved by a library that we could leverage? IOhannes is right in that it depends on what you really measure and how. I don't think it's as simple as a focused metric like a GPU or file transfer metric.
This is not a real benchmark, but I can share what I do.
In general, I have done simple comparisons by running the same patch on my desktop and whatever mobile or embedded device I'm using for robotcowboy. I then have it spit out the basic CPU load percentage as calculated by the test patch included with Pd. That helps me have a general understanding that a song may take about 8-10x more CPU percentage on mobile as on the development machine and simply have another number with this applied. It's really simple & not refined but works well enough. Then again, what I am doing with Pd is in a lot of ways simple as compared to what many on this list do.

i think it's hard to impossible to find any meaningful benchmark.
which kind of numbers do you expect in your textfile, and how would you
compare them?