I'm assuming you feed the input of  [hcs/folder_list] with the message [symbol [!.]*(  yes?
When I do I get an error where it doesn't find any files.
[folder_list] nothing found for "C:/Users/username/Music/Samples/crotales/[!.]*.wav"

I am not sure it's actually disregarding hidden files but more likely looking for a file that starts with "[!.]". Am I wrong?

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 7:08 PM Sebastian Shader <sebfumaster@aol.com> wrote:
since hcs/folder_list uses globs you can just insert [!.] before the filename to exclude all files that start with ".":
[symbol [!.]*.wav(
[symbol subdirectory/[!.]*.wav(


-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Burt <composer.samuel.burt@gmail.com>
To: Pd-list <pd-list@lists.iem.at>
Sent: Tue, May 4, 2021 6:07 am
Subject: [PD] ignore hidden files from hcs/folder_list

Hi, all.

Does anyone have a suggestion to ignore hidden files preceded by a dot? hcs/folder_list outputs all the files matching a wildcard pattern. Seems like there should be some way to look for files that start with a dot and not pass them.

I'm loading a directory of audio files but there are a ton of ._files.wav that were created by OSX. I've got a bunch of audio sample directories like this and I could go through and remove all these files, but this software will also be used by someone on a Mac, so it's better to just ignore this inconvenient OS behavior if possible.


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