> I can't find the screenshot atm, but you had a message box with the 
> selector "path" in it, followed by a series of numbers.
> What does that message do?
I don't really understand the question but I think this is my mistake, I didn't notice how the functions were displayed :
The wrapper offers a layer structure called *t_elayer *that owns a set of
First we create a layer for a t_ebox (GUI object) :
ebox_start_layer(t_ebox *x, t_symbol* name, float width, float height)

To create a path, you can use several functions :
egraphics_move_to(t_elayer *g, float x, float y), 
egraphics_line_to(t_elayer *g, floatx, float y), 
egraphics_curve_to(t_elayer*g, float ctrl1x, float ctrl1y, float ctrl2x, float ctrl2y, float endx, float endy),
The functions append points to the t_elayer.

Before drawing all the paths, we apply the matrix transformations and mark
the layer ready to be drawn :
ebox_end_layer(t_ebox *x, t_symbol *name)

Then we paint the layer :
ebox_paint_layer(t_ebox *x, t_symbol *name, float x_p, float y_p)

if something has changed (an attribute or whatever you want) and we need to
repaint a layer, we invalidate the layer with :
ebox_invalidate_layer(t_ebox *x, t_symbol* name)

Graphical part of the wrapper :
Gui box part f the wrapper :