* Allister Sinclair <allistersinclair@gmail.com> [2021-02-21 16:58]:
> Hi,
> How do you deal with midi in pd in linux (Ubuntu Studio) ?
> I use alsamidi and alsaconnect to initiate midi ins and outs.
> Used [midiin] with no problem until pd 0.5.1 .
> Now [midiin] skips some data when too much midi is getting in (moving
> several faders/pots fast), which makes it impossible to route midi messages.
> So I tried using only [ctlin] and [notein], but while solving this issue,
> they bring another problem which I guess is more of a linux issue:
> channel/port number, changes randomly after each system reboot, which is a
> nightmare.
If the alsa device order does change, which you can check with aconnect
or your other tools, then look up a startpage.com search for "alsa
device order" perhaps.
PS: You might find that sending patches and simple text rather than
screenshots to this list is better.
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