what is wrong with your screenshot? it shows valid midi messages, nothing is skipped. What is probably missing is the understanding about midi messages, why they have to be 3 messages?

look at running status


if you want to use midiin in this case, you need to look for status bytes changing, ctlin notein and etc does that for you, midiin is raw messages, so you are responsible for this

Em Dom, 21 de fev de 2021 15:36, Peter P. <peterparker@fastmail.com> escreveu:
* Allister Sinclair <allistersinclair@gmail.com> [2021-02-21 16:58]:
> Hi,
> How do you deal with midi in pd in linux (Ubuntu Studio) ?
> I use alsamidi and alsaconnect to initiate midi ins and outs.
> Used [midiin] with no problem until pd 0.5.1 .
> Now [midiin] skips some data when too much midi is getting in (moving
> several faders/pots fast), which makes it impossible to route midi messages.
> So I tried using only [ctlin] and [notein], but while solving this issue,
> they bring another problem which I guess is more of a linux issue:
> channel/port number, changes randomly after each system reboot, which is a
> nightmare.

If the alsa device order does change, which you can check with aconnect
or your other tools, then look up a startpage.com search for "alsa
device order" perhaps.

PS: You might find that sending patches and simple text rather than
screenshots to this list is better.

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