Hi again!In the recent GEM problem resolving I learnt alot (thanks!), also on the situation of declaring libraries in Pd Vanilla. Also I did learn that some libraries cannot be declared as [declare -lib libraryname] within the patch. I experienced this with cyclone which I had to instead [declare -stdpath cyclone]. While this might not be such a big issue, are there some ways to "know" if a library has either one of these behaviours?
Is FLOSS Pd manual the best compilation of objects and libraries that are published (online)?
Found this onepage copied from FLOSS page of objects here that might be useful to some:
I could easily imagine a back page on this handy reference card with a summary of libraries with short description of possible and maybe some install hints. Usage of deken, and whatmore..?
Anyhow, I guess also some of the knowledge on these matters has to be transmitted step by step (in different ways) as people do learn more. Without some struggle, no insights. This is also to be balanced to the eagerness of the "new to Pd´s" who wants to push buttons and turn some knobs more than investing in the time it takes to learn something new. I am not suggesting anything special here, but I think sometimes there is reason why some new to Pd gives up easily (which is some of my experiences). I didn´t make the Vanilla jump until this summer, and being on a windows machine does not make it more easy. I imagine there might be alot things worth writing tutorials on, for instance updating the FLOSS manual, also I understand it is up to me and others who sees the need to do it, just to do it! So it´s nothing of complaint here... JUST HAPPY! Pd is a powerful tool and working on it together it can just be better!
Sorry for the meanderings in latter part of mail, main question here is the one if it is possible to know behaviour of libraries, either by reading, or on looking at them in special way. (for instance when they are loaded by deken)
All the best!
/Björn Eriksson