2017-03-04 13:32 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com>:

Such folders would be the application, user and global, for each system, of course. If you wanna download somewhere else, a 4th option could be "other", which opens the savemenu dialog.

the same idea could be applied to the "Path" in preferences, and this has already been brought up by me in another thread. Dan gave a +1 on it (for the path) and also suggested this:

2017-02-18 3:03 GMT-02:00 Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com>:
Maybe a good example would be the Processing preferences dialog: http://robotosha.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/preferences_window_processing.png

thought i'd connect these dots to better organize the discussion.

anyway, easily navigating though the path to reach app/user/global folders would also require them to be created before hand, somehow. So the creation of such folders is the key element here.
