If you have "use standard paths" disabled in the path preferences this
could happen. (It's on purpose :)
On Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 10:33:59AM +0200, Dan Wilcox wrote:
> What OS and Pd version are you using? How did you install Pd?
> Pd 0.50-2 on my macOS 10.14 system creates all extra objects in the general help patch. As far as I recall, it always has so this sounds like a bug or misconfiguration issue.
> > On Oct 19, 2019, at 11:15 PM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:
> >
> > I realized that although help-intro.pd (accessible by right clicking a
> > blank section of canvas and going to Help) lists objects in pd/extra, those
> > objects wouldn't create until I added the path.
> >
> > It that the expected default behavior? It seems to me that objects included
> > in Pd vanilla shouldn't require extra path additions or declarations. Maybe
> > there is a good reason for this though that I'm not aware of?
> --------
> Dan Wilcox
> @danomatika <http://twitter.com/danomatika>
> danomatika.com <http://danomatika.com/>
> robotcowboy.com <http://robotcowboy.com/>
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