Hi Miller, yes I can confirm that [pd~] works with this in Max 8. There's also the option of a simple Pd patch that sends the data to Max via OSC, and I'm considering your suggestion from an older thread: just make a command line app that sends the data via OSC. For now I think I'm going to finish this up as an extern...
On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 1:21 PM Miller Puckette <
msp@ucsd.edu> wrote:
I think Max users can use pd~ to run this.
On Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 06:08:44PM -0500, William Brent wrote:
> Hey Joao,
> Chikashi also has a mac build of [leapmotion] available here
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://puredatajapan.info/?page_id=1514__;!!Mih3wA!Haw4yo5G_N5jRUNIA9_p9jl43vxppxKYmzyb0cOH8fDT60JS_bGp2awgbPKBnG_tJAvFw6e-Sm3NUZM_QaA$ >, but it seems to be using SDK 1.
> So at least this version allows us to use 2.3.1. That's as far as we can go
> on macOS unless Leap changes their stance on mac development. But I'm
> messing around some with the latest 5.7.2 SDK and I'm not having any
> trouble building/linking on both Linux and Windows. And on those platforms
> I'm able to connect to both the original Leap Motion Controller and the new
> Ultraleap hardware.
> I'm not sure about the best way to consolidate everything that's been done
> in this area, especially since I decided to remove the FLEXT layer, which
> will be important for Max/MSP users. Myself, I'm only interested in
> building this for Pd and I want to keep things as simple as possible. And
> if I follow through working with SDK 5.7.2, we'll have access to the latest
> version of Leap software/hardware on all 3 platforms. I'm totally open to
> working and organizing together on this...whatever seems to be the best
> way. I think I'll have time to get the code up to a good stopping point
> over the holidays.
> As for the gestures - do you mean adding a system for training/recognizing
> user-defined gestures beyond the existing circle/swipe/tap gestures? I'm
> interested in that idea for sure, but don't have the deep learning chops to
> pull it off yet.
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 1:21 PM João Pais <jmmmpais@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi William,
> > nice that you made this also for mac. I'm thinking that since each version
> > of the object is in a different repository (I have the windows version, you
> > have mac, and Chikashi has linux), would it make sense to cross-reference
> > them? I guess putting them all together might be too much.
> >
> > I haven't used my leap too much, mostly because after some performances I
> > wanted to use more complex control such as gestures. But I couldn't program
> > anything myself, and didn't find any way of using e.g. machine learning or
> > similar for that. Is this some kind of work you also do? Could you
> > recommend any such libraries, even if not for Pd?
> >
> > Best,
> > Joao
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > After years of using Chikashi Miyama's [leapmotion] object, I decided to
> > fork his repo in order to make some changes and build against the most
> > recently available Leap SDK for macOS (2.3.1). Information about specific
> > changes can be found by visiting the repo:
> > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/wbrent/leapmotion__;!!Mih3wA!Haw4yo5G_N5jRUNIA9_p9jl43vxppxKYmzyb0cOH8fDT60JS_bGp2awgbPKBnG_tJAvFw6e-Sm3NTvTeC8Q$ . I've also uploaded deken packages
> > for macOS/Intel and Linux.
> >
> > Note that this external is for the original Leap Motion Controller, and
> > not the current Ultraleap Controller. I may keep working on this in order
> > to use the latest Leap SDK (5.7.2) for Ultraleap compatibility under Linux
> > and Windows, but there seems to be no plan for supporting that device under
> > macOS, hence the freeze at SDK 2.3.1 for now...
> >
> > I hope it's helpful to someone out there!
> > William
> >
> >
> > --
> > William Brent
> >
> > “Great minds flock together”
> > Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century
> >
> > https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.conflations.com__;!!Mih3wA!Haw4yo5G_N5jRUNIA9_p9jl43vxppxKYmzyb0cOH8fDT60JS_bGp2awgbPKBnG_tJAvFw6e-Sm3NGVm-xgo$
> >
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> > --
> > Manteuffelstr. 19
> > 10997 Berlin (Deutschland)
> > Tel +49 30 74921288 | Mob +49 176 98476769jmmmpais@gmail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmphttps://www.facebook.com/jmmmpais
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> >
> --
> William Brent
> “Great minds flock together”
> Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.conflations.com__;!!Mih3wA!Haw4yo5G_N5jRUNIA9_p9jl43vxppxKYmzyb0cOH8fDT60JS_bGp2awgbPKBnG_tJAvFw6e-Sm3NGVm-xgo$
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William Brent
“Great minds flock together”
Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century