a little general question for change
what are the "biggest" (performance) differences
using PD on windoze or linux
i'm (at the moment) mostly interest on audio
analyzing and visual creating (GEM)
PD is coded on linux and then ported to win,
i will be still using PD on windose because of
but when i get PD running on linux i think i will
be using PD more on linux as windose... (BIG "HUG!?" to network
communication :)
btw. what are the minimum linux requirments for PD,
thinking 4 (future) installations...
(any1 making a PD "optimized" linux
distribution :)
i'm installing redhat for starters, any know
problems with PD+GEM ?
well, i'm a newbie 2 linux. but thats no problem,
i'm a "computer freak" :)
i've installed redhat 2times succesfully but
because of my (old) HD-controller couldnt boot it... so on to a new luck with my
new hardware...
(btw, any good links about linux, like "linux in a
nutshell", but i hate 2 read too much uninformatical blaa blaa)
sorry that i'm asking so much "simple" questions
here and preventing you(all) from developing PD...
but me love PD
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mutz :)