On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 8:49 AM, i go bananas <hard.off@gmail.com> wrote:
for sample-and-hold, as it is usually implemented for pitch in a synth, you actually don't even NEED to use the samphold~ object!  you can just use a metro to simulate the clock, and then a random to simulate the noise input (that's what was usually used for synth sample and hold madness). 

[metro 125]
[random 5000]
[/ 100] 
[+ 40]  
[*~ 2]
[-~ 1]
But with [samphold~] you can also use other waveforms (instead of noise) for the sample input and for control (instead of [phasor~]). Plus, you can modulate the frequency of the control signal, which can yield nice results.