Hello, IMHE, netsend works perfectly in Linux, OSX and Windows, the only thing to keep in mind is the ip of the computer to control and call the variables are equal, they are sent and those received.
is however not the case whenever you have a high throughput traffic that
arrives form various sources at unexpected intervals as the netreceive sends
out its message whenever it receives it rather than waiting for the scheduler
interrupt which means when that message lands in the middle of another tcl/tk
message that is currently being parsed to be sent out to gui (something that
commonly is unlikely to take place when the throughput is low but becomes increasingly
more likely as the network traffic increases), you end up with garbage output
that results in syntax error on the tcl/tk side and thus tcl/tk becomes
unresponsive. This is best observed if you monitor pd->tcl/tk activity with
debugger on.