On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 12:08 PM, servando barreiro <servandisco@yahoo.es> wrote:

I was looking for netbooks recently in a shop  when a russian hacker sold me his "old" thinkpad X60 12" for a low price.. (far from being a netbook in performance but close in size & weight..).
I installed the latest ubuntu on it + pd extended 0.42 and  now I´m thinking seriously  what to do with the fucking macbook pro....

Really great machine.. It loads pd in one second..  (like ten times faster than the mbp).

The audio (i and o) works out of the box and the system recognizes my usb soundcard (even though it causes some confussion sometimes..)..

The battery lasts almost 3 hrs using pd,.  I´m quite amazed by this also, because in the other computer, the battery consumption get´s multiplied by 3 at least, each time I open pd..

I hope this post inspires someone in something..  

I know Pd runs in a netbook (with linux, of course..), but just runs, it doesn´t fly..



Hello Servando,

not clear what your question was, but i get you want faster Pd on your X60... right?
First i recommend you to compile Pd for yourself, with the MARCH= compiler flag which allows you to optimize code exlusively for your CPU. Find the instructions on the net regarding which flags to use with your CPU.
Then, clean up paths and startup list to load only those externals that you need.
(...and: don't use the f-word on the list ;o)
there are all kinds of people here with different sensitivity)
