oh, but that is just trivial:

messages and signals are always calculated one after each other (first
all messages; once they are done, signals are processed).

so an even easier way would be to use a latch ([f]) and [bang~]+[del 0]
to do the calculation in msg-domain.
[bang~] will output a bang before each signal block (or after; it really
will trigger a bang before the *next* signal block).
unfortunately, this bang can happen before or after the events sent out
by [env~], so we need to make sure to get an event *after* all [env~]s
have triggered.
the simplest way to achieve this is by using an additional [delay 0],
which will schedule an event at the same logical time NOW but after all
events already scheduled for NOW (e.g. those from [env~]).

see attached patch. (in the attached patch i wasn't able to trigger an
undesired behaviour without the [delay 0]; however i haven't tried hard
and i'm pretty sure that you *can*; thus you should use [del 0])

thanks !
yes, with [delay 0] it ensures to get the good result (same block)...
(also tried to get an undesired behaviour without [del 0], but didn't succeed !)

i already used [delay 0] sometimes, but i don't see where it's role is documented

i already knew [bang~] but with this object my doubt was always : "i know that it will happen *every* block during message-domain computation, but *when* in that block ? relatively to other "not-triggerred" objects like [env~]..."

well, maybe i'm going too far with this... since you gave me a working solution :-)

however, also sent this to the pd-list because i wonder if i'm the only one to feel that this issue isn't very intuitive to solve...

