On Nov 24, 2020, at 5:34 PM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:Message: 3
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:34:37 +0100
From: Albert Rafetseder <albert.rafetseder+pd@univie.ac.at>
To: Pd-List <pd-list@lists.iem.at>
Subject: Re: [PD] is [hid] dead? can t be 64 bits?
Message-ID: <e28f49ca-e436-bfd7-fc38-ea0d96aa623d@univie.ac.at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Thank you for the supportive words, everyone!
If you promise to not hold your breath just yet, I can try my hands on
Linux x86 / amd64 / ARM (think: Raspberry) builds as well.
For Windows, I have no idea whether [hid] is even supposed to work, and
have no opportunity to test for the time being. Any hints welcome.