Following Christof, I second the suggestion to change the build to use pd-lib-builder as it makes building an external much easier by doing most of the heavy work. Then people on other platforms can more easily pitch in with testing and maintenance. This makes more sense then you having to set up a bunch of systems and OS installs if you are not doing it already and/or using those systems.

Those that cannot wait for binaries can simply build it themselves. (Yeah de-centralized model.)

On Nov 24, 2020, at 5:34 PM, wrote:

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:34:37 +0100
From: Albert Rafetseder <>
To: Pd-List <>
Subject: Re: [PD] is [hid] dead? can t be 64 bits?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Thank you for the supportive words, everyone!

If you promise to not hold your breath just yet, I can try my hands on
Linux x86 / amd64 / ARM (think: Raspberry) builds as well.

For Windows, I have no idea whether [hid] is even supposed to work, and
have no opportunity to test for the time being. Any hints welcome.


Dan Wilcox