That's the elephant in the room isn't it?

Live is most valuable to me because it is very cpu-friendly considering the amount of tasks being done at once in such a rich visual environment. Pd on the other hand is very slow...the equivalent of maybe 2 or 3 live devices will shoot my cpu up to 75% easily.

Of course, this is because Live devices are optimized in C++. Also, the GUI is rendered by graphing bitmap primitives onto the screen...I'm pretty sure that Pd does something different/more cpu intensive using tcl/tk.

I'm all for the effort though! I just think that Pd will need some major face lifts to get it to the usability that Live offers.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 6:57 AM, hard off <> wrote:
would widgets and whatnots be subject to the same clunky slowness of other pd gui objects?  or is this something that might be improved too?

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