To get 10m more for a PS3ye we've bought 2x5M of TU2-EX5 (between 10 and 15 )
We've tried without active link, but it didn't work.
Good luck
Try without an active one first. I once did a radio art piece at Serralves museum with a usb-powered soundcard and FM transmittor with a normal extension, in a vertical pole (7 meters high), we used a 10 meter usb extension we bought on FNAC or something like that.:)Although at the time we wondered if it would function, (since a lot of sites and I think wikipedia himself states that it would need a power hub in the middle), but it worked.--On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Stefan Jensen <sjensen@versanet.de> wrote:Hi,..
Am Dienstag, den 01.03.2011, 15:59 +0100 schrieb news@petervenus.de:
I use this one. Works fine and is pretty cheap:
> there are extender which incorporate cat5 cables, but they are quite expensive
> and the cheaper should do the job, although i didnīt try them out myself.
best regards
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