thanks a bunch, OSC it is, on port 3333, from the reacTable TUIO server.

I figured out that I needed ";\n" on my messages for the router to figure them out.

here is my netclient in PD, i will be making my server available also when I get that darn BLOG up.

agent engram

On Jan 13, 2008 7:18 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <> wrote:
Agent Engram wrote:
>> will output binary data in the form of lists of byte-values.
> so this may be a misunderstanding. I am writing my own server that
> intercepts the OCS events, that all works. what I am trying to figure out is

since you keep calling it OCS, i guess my assumption that you mean OSC
(Open Sound Control) is wrong.
could you please tell me what OCS is is?

> if i wanted to send out messages to net client for instance a string that
> was something like id 56; x 200; y 300; rot 0.923;  what would I need to do
> to parse the  netclient result.
> I have tried [route x]-----[unpack  $1] but that doesnt seem to work, but
> when i print the message using [print client1] it prints it just fine.

might be a problem with the parsing of your string.
when you send a message to Pd (e.g. [netreceive]), it will parse the
string received and try to interpret it as a pd-message.
e.g. the string "id 56" will be split into a symbol-atom "id" and a
number "56".

if your string is somehow "weird" (e.g. because you send "56,4" instead
of "56.4") Pd's built-in parser might parse the string in an unexpected
way. ( e.g. "56,4" will become a symbol "56,4"!)

[netclient] is an external, probably it uses some broken parser.

2 suggestions:
- if you really mean OSC intead of OCS, then try sending OSC data to Pd
from your server, if that is feasible.
- if you don't need a bidirectional connection between your server and
Pd but are happy with a unidirectional one, use [netreceive] instead;
this object is built-into Pd and certainly better tested.


i am an agent implanted into your unconscious when you abducted by the travelers. look for signs of me in your life.