I'm curious if anyone here has tried building Pd apps with Juce?
Camomile (https://github.com/pierreguillot/Camomile) is made with JUCE. Like every JUC plugin, you can compile it as a standalone, which probably counts as "app" :-)


On 11.10.2021 17:05, Iain Duncan wrote:
I'm curious if anyone here has tried building Pd apps with Juce? It's a commercial license, but free for use in open source projects, and supports iOs and Android. I've heard the iOs and Android support is ok if you don't need full "nativity".  It's definitely easy to work with for audio apps and well documented. I've mucked with a bit and had mostly good experiences, but not tried using Pd with it yet.


On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 12:46 AM Antoine Rousseau <antoine@metalu.net> wrote:
Yeah, sorry if I didn't understand your question correctly!

I, for one, use openFrameworks (OF).
I developed a set of Pd externals built upon OF, which is called Pof, see: https://github.com/Ant1r/ofxPof
It allows you to build a complex GUI written in Pd patches.
An application can be written in POF using a desktop computer, then ported to iOS/Android thanks to OF and ofxPd cross-platform ability.

Unfortunately I wouldn't say it's an easy way (building for Android is especially tricky...).
But I consider it one of the most powerful methods to build an app with Pd ;-)

Ofelia (https://github.com/cuinjune/Ofelia) is also built upon OF. I'm not using it, so I cannot say anything more about it.


Le dim. 10 oct. 2021 à 12:32, Jakob <jakkesprinter@web.de> a écrit :
I havent looked for a framework yet, i thought that i might find a hint for one by asking the list for what i want to do;-)

Best Jakob

Am 08.10.2021 um 17:33 schrieb Antoine Rousseau <antoine@metalu.net>:

what is your cross-platform framework? maybe there's already a module that integrates libpd into it?


Le ven. 8 oct. 2021 à 14:25, Jakob <jakkesprinter@web.de> a écrit :
Dear list,
Has anyone of you heard/seen of a possibilty to integrate a pd patch into a cross-platform framework ? My goal is to have an app for android and ios with the (more or less) same gui. The sound engine, however, should be an existing pd patch. The gui-code from the cross-platform framework needs to communicate with the patch.

Thanks and best regards,


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