I found the Max/MSP style Cmd-Click to toggle edit mode quite annoying in Pd. So I switched it to the Pd-style Ctrl-Click.  Cmd-Click now allows you to interact with GUI objects when in edit mode.  I think this makes the most sense.  

Any objections?


On Jul 13, 2007, at 9:24 PM, hard off wrote:

command E / ctrl E, which i have always used,  is weird now on osX . 

for a start, you have to actually move the mouse to see the cursor change from an arrow to a hand. 

also, if you use command E with the mouse clicked (when selecting objects for edit), then command E is double triggering.

i could possibly get used to the new command click method, but just want to let you know that this change has broken the existing command E function. 

my vote is a NO for command click unless the original command E function works properly again.


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