Postgraduate study in spatial sound – SIAL Sound Studios, RMIT University
SIAL Sound Studios, RMIT University are accepting applications for postgraduate research by project as part of two research streams; spatial composition and performance and urban soundscape design and research. Applications are now being accepted for fee-paying postgraduates to commence in 2009.
Critical dates;
Enquirries until 22 Dec 2008
Applications due 23 Jan 2009
Notification 30 Jan 2009
Enrollment by 30 March 2009
The SIAL Studios are based in RMIT University’s Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory, which is part of the School of Architecture and Design. SIAL is a facility for innovation in transdisciplinary design research and education. It embraces a broad range of investigative modes, involving both highly speculative and industry linked projects. SIAL is concerned with the integration of technical, theoretical and social concerns as part of its innovation agenda. High-end computing, modeling and communication tools associated with disparate disciplines are combined with traditional production techniques. Researchers are engaged in a wide variety of projects that collaboratively disturb artificial distinctions between the physical and virtual, digital and analogue, scientific and artistic, instrumental and philosophical. While relevant research involves an extensive breadth of technological developments in areas such as Multimedia, Soundscape Systems, Mechatronics, Computer Graphics and Interfaces, Materials technology, Manufacturing processes, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Animation, Computer Games, Virtual Reality Facilities, GIS and on-line environments, SIAL does not focus on any of these systems or realms of technology per se. Rather, it interrogates the relationships these areas foster for cross-disciplinary production.
Application requirements
Applicants will have undergraduate or Masters qualifications in music composition or performance, electroacoustic music, sound design or other design disciplines.
Applicants should first send a draft research topic – 1 x A4 page.
Details of application process are available here;;ID=nxqw9kmc6lzg
Fees for Masters or PhD are AUD18,720 per year.
The research environment
The research environment of the SIAL Sound Studios is open to postgraduates from design, architecture, music and sound backgrounds. Applicants must have intermediate to advanced skills in studio production to realize their projects. Researchers within the Studios are internationally recognized for their contributions to sound design, electroacoustic performance practice, acoustic ecology and design research. Post-graduate supervision is activated through weekly meetings, industry projects, local and commonwealth funded research, the Studio's seminar series, and the Graduate Research Conference.
The research environment is primarily articulated through practice-based research. Opportunities for postgraduates to realise projects in the public domain are being developed, including access to Melbourne’s large-scale urban soundscape systems, smaller university soundscape systems, and spatial performances using the Studio’s 32-channel sound diffusion system.
The Postgraduates will contribute to the larger projects through discrete projects of their own research. Design projects should address, but not be limited to:
-spatialized performance/electroacoustic performance practize
-Urban soundscape designs for multi-channel systems
-Evaluating urban soundscape designs and urban soundscape planning models
-Software projects for spatialized performance, installations or gesture control
-Analysis of contemporary spatial compositions and installation practice
-integrating 3D design softwares within spatial sound design