please always reply to the list.
Yes, of course. Apologies

you can't (unless you are willing to dig into the pd-sources)
Rather not atm

just to make sure: "puredata-core" is also 0.43.2-3, innit?

Yip yip

which means that you are not using the pd that debian provides for you,
but some other installation, which you compiled yourself.

Was a clean install but I've spent a couple of solid days attempting to get Pd'ing so had various versions and some offcuts and shrapnel knocking around.  Combed through and hope clean again.

in order to run the debian-provided Pd (which i did test quite a lot),
please run
$ /usr/bin/puredata
$ puredata
$ /usr/bin/pd

aptitude install puredata
So now aptitude gets as far as 'Setting up puredata (0.43.2-3)'.  Then nothing from any of the 3 options above...

julian@jb-laptop:~/Desktop$ /usr/bin/puredata
bash: /usr/bin/puredata: No such file or directory


It is there tho':

whereis puredata
puredata: /usr/lib/puredata /user/share/puredata

whereis pd
pd: /usr/include/pd

Can't run Pd so the rest is currently superfluous.

Urgh - feels like user-error somewhere along the line.  Reinstalling the whole thing seems a bit sledgehammer/nut-like but this is getting tedious.

Will report back. 
