Allow me to clear things up, I got this from the floss manuals object list. This implies how some objects are in some of the libraries but ar also "flatspace".

On top of that, I just learned that there is a "flatspace" library on its own in Pd Extended 0.42-5 and it was removed from 0.43 cause it was a giant ugly kludge

That raises even more doubts...  

Anyway, my motivation on this is that I'm mapping all of the externals I use for my computer music tutorial (which is now around 220 examples long) to see on how many libraries I depend. This is also motivated from recent discussions on getting a respoitory of libraries to download and use on Vanilla.

So, anyway, I got really confused with this flatspace deal. Hopefully someone could clear things up about this kludge.


2014-12-18 11:14 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <>:
howdy, some libraries have a "flatspace" designation for some objects, like "zexy flatspace", "cyclone flatspace", "iemlib flatspace"... I don't really get it.

What's the deal with it?
