thanks, more of it coming up soon ;)I have the whole thing in portuguese at
- Material Didático em Português (BR) por Alexandre Porres Página do Material
- Computação Musical Com Exemplos em Pd versão de out 2014
2014-10-14 15:53 GMT-03:00 Anton Woldhek <>:Ey Alexandre, That is a super useful helpfile even in portogues. Beautiful!Thanks for sharing.On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 1:09 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres <> wrote:I'm working on a tutorial about all this filter theory in depth right now that makes it accessible to musicians, but in portuguese only.but long story short, if you have no idea, maybe you shouldn't bother with it :)what you should know is that you can have lots of filter types with a biquad system, you only need to generate the right coefficients. There are some externals that do that for you, some are in Pd-Extended, check the attaches file. In max/msp, the filtergraph object will do that kind of thing too.cheers2014-09-29 2:13 GMT-03:00 IOhannes m zmölnig <>:_______________________________________________[biquad~] is a low-level filter. i think it is discussed in most digitalOn 09/29/2014 03:48 AM, Фывапр Олджэвич wrote:
> Dear List !
> Can anyone help me with the understanding of [biquad~] filter ? No tutorials , no explanations found. The help file has very little info.
> What do coefficients mean ?
signal processing courses.
these signal processing courses will usually discuss the working of a
biquad in great detail which i think cannot be possibly covered in an
email or a help-patch.
you might start by searching the web or checking [wikipedia].
[wikipedia] mailing list
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