AutoItSetOption( "WinTitleMatchMode", 3 ) AutoItSetOption( "SendKeyDelay", 30 ) ;CHECK IF PD IS RUNNING ;IF NOT: START IT WITH A BATCH FILE If ProcessExists("pd.exe") = 0 Then Run ("D:\pd_0.46\pd-vanilla.bat") ; you want to put your own batch file here ProcessWait ("pd.exe") EndIf ;CHECK IF A FILE WAS DROPPED If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then Exit EndIf ;COPY THE DROPPED FILE TO CLIPBOARD Local $vDROPFILE = StringTrimLeft ($CmdLine[1], 3) ; truncate 3 elements from the dropped filename ("D:\" in my case) ; otherwise the open process below will not work ClipPut($vDROPFILE) WinWait ( "[TITLE:Pd; CLASS:TkTopLevel]" ) WinActivate ( "[TITLE:Pd; CLASS:TkTopLevel]" ) Send ("^o") ; STRG + O for open dialog WinWait ( "[TITLE:Open]" ) ; wait until open dialog is there Send ("!i") ; Alt + i to go to adress bar Send ("{DOWN}{HOME}d") ; select DESKTOP Send ("d") ; select drive letter D (my data drive) Send ("!n") ; select name field Send ("^v") ; copy dropped file as text (first 3 letters truncated !!!) Send ("{ENTER}") Exit