Updated the zip link to reflect these changes...

Second preference window has been greyed out.  That's a band-aid until I can do a more maintainable pass at Pd-l2ork on OSX.  A fix to the Media Menu, the Put Menu, and icon will have to wait as well.

Search links have been fixed.  I'm shipping with the index already built because it takes awhile to build it on OSX (as compared to Debian).

Separate Console Window-- in general I'm not a fan of applications that use multiple top-level windows.  I don't see why Pd can't have a single toplevel with Firefox-style tabs for toplevel patches (plus maybe bottom tabs for open subpatch/abstraction children).

On Friday, October 25, 2013 7:22 PM, Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok. Just playing around a little and noticed:

* there are 2 "Preferences" menu options in the Pd menu, the first works and is a folder with further options while the second "Preferences..." doesn't do anything.

* the Media menu has a couple empty sections with remaining separators where the Audio & Midi settings options used to be

* the put menu is empty when the main pd window is active, while Pd-extended simply greys out the menu options. The Put menu is then populated after selecting a canvas window.

* the Search Browser works and is noticeably faster than the last time I tried it, but the search result links don't work for me. Navigating with links on the Home page do work.

* I'm not a fan of the separate console window .. yet another window floating around, but that's not a huge deal

* dosen't have the nice icon that pd-extended has :D also, pd-lork should consider using something similar to the nice About patch in Pd-extended.

Oh, there are so many improvements in pd-lork! So nice. I hope most if not all of these make their way into vanilla. The gui performance is much better, although I like the Pd-extended main console window better. The patch cords are obviously nicer, although I like the straight lines in Pd-extended better with anti-aliasing off, however that's just a niggle.

On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:00 AM, pd-list-request@iem.at wrote:

From: Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika@yahoo.com>
Subject: [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX (was: Re: New Blankets names Jonathan Wilkes "Artist in Transit Fellow")
Date: October 25, 2013 at 12:02:15 AM EDT

Here's a first attempt at getting Pd-l2ork up and running on OSX:


Dan Wilcox

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