<your setup is unclear :-/. Can you describe it element by element,
<stating how things are connected ?
it is an arduino fio, which is an arduino with a built in wireless "shoe" for an xbee type wireless device. i use the rn-xv, which is a wifi based tranciever that fits it. i already have a tcp connection to the router and through the router to a serial port emulator that routes network data to virtual serial ports, which i have used to verify that the whole data pipe works. which it does. i get data back and forth from the wireless arduino to pure data.
<The wireless system is dd-wrt ?
no, this is the router software.
<Why don't you use the IP network to communicate from pd to your wireless
<system? I don't understand where serial ports are needed.
I dont either. i just dont know how to do it. i dont see any reason, other than that the first arduinos used an ftdi virtual serial port emulator for making an easy link from usb to serial. technically, i should be able to dump the data straight through to the arduino object and delete the comport alltogether. i just havent combined the right sequence of magic incantations to make it work, because i have a very small grasp of network voodoo. I'm learning quickly though, but i was hoping to get pointed in the right direction :-)