I am trying to get the aka.wiiremote working on osx. I downloaded the files from svn (aka.wiiremote-2008-07-22) at
I tested the binary akawiiremote.pd_darwin (don't know at the moment where I got it from) and I could connect, but could not get motion sensor data. buttons were recognized.
So I wanted to try compiling myself:
There is a makefile in the svn for aka.wiiremote, but for me it makes no real sense (or maybe i don't understand it).
in the folder (svn) there are the following files:
I tried with "make", but i get:
make -C
/Users/Floriano/aka.wiiremote-original-2008-07-22- aka.wiiremote-original-2008-07-22-
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `aka.wiiremote-original-2008-07-22-'. Stop.
I checked the makefile, there is no rule for making the target, there is just another "make" command in the makefile. Does this make sense ? Doesn't this create an endless loop of calling the makefile ?
Next step I tried compiling with an own makefile:
akawiiremote.pd_darwin: aka.wiiremote.c wiiremote.c wiiremote.h
gcc -o akawiiremote.pd_darwin aka.wiiremote.c wiiremote.c wiiremote.h
This time I get:
Undefined symbols:
"_clock_delay", referenced from:
_akawiiremote_connect in ccsYhgCS.o
_akawiiremote_clock in ccsYhgCS.o
"_clock_free", referenced from:
_akawiiremote_free in ccsYhgCS.o
"_CFRelease", referenced from:
_wiiremote_search in cc6UUndW.o
_myDisconnectedFunc in cc6UUndW.o
_myDisconnectedFunc in cc6UUndW.o
_wiiremote_getaddress in cc6UUndW.o
referenced from:
_wiiremote_search in cc6UUndW.o
_wiiremote_stopsearch in cc6UUndW.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [akawiiremote.pd_darwin] Error 1
Somebody can tell me how to compile the library file ?