
Maybe not as technical as your solution, but on a Windows machine for an art installation, i did a quick "watchdog" that checked a "stillalive" file, that was regularly modified by the pd patch. So when/if pd crashed, the file wasn't updated anymore and the script would restart it. I think it was done in python...


2018-05-03 11:56 GMT+02:00 Jack <jack@rybn.org>:
If you have several instances of Pd, it is also doable to do something
like :

pd -open yourpatch1.pd &
pd -open yourpatch2.pd &

while true
    if [ ! -d /proc/$PID1 ]
        pd -open yourpatch1.pd &
    if [ ! -d /proc/$PID2 ]
        pd -open yourpatch2.pd &



Le 03/05/2018 à 11:46, Jack a écrit :
> Hey list !
> Le 03/05/2018 à 09:42, Roman Haefeli a écrit :
>> On Thu, 2018-05-03 at 06:29 +0200, michael strohmann wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> i wonder if it is possible to setup something on raspberry, so that
>>> the puredata-watchdog will restart pd-0.48.0 automatically?
>>> where could i look up the mechanics of this, unfortunatly i am not a
>>> unix crack…
>> Are you referring to the pd-watchdog binary, that comes with puredata-
>> core? Is your Raspberry Pi running Raspbian?
>> From what I understand, the purpose of the pd-watchdog is to pause Pd
>> in regular intervals when running in real-time mode. I think this is
>> measure to prevent Pd from locking up the system. Assume you
>> accidentally trigger an [until] without a stopping mechanism, thanks to
>>  pd-watchdog you're still able to move the mouse and quit Pd.
>> Is your goal to make sure that Pd is running at any time, so that it is
>> started again as soon as it stops?  Maybe you can achieve something
>> like this wit a shell script. I haven't tested this, but it might give
>> you an idea how to make it work:
>> ---
>> #!/bin/sh
>> while true
>> do
>>   # We start pd and send detach it from the terminal ('&')
>>   /usr/bin/pd -open yourpatch &
>>   # we catch pd's process id
>>   pdpid=$!
>>   # now let's wait for the process to terminate
>>   wait $pdpid
>>   # once pd terminates, we start another iteration
>>   # of our while-loop
>> done
> I will do something like :
> while true
> do
>     pd -open yourpatch # if pd crash the script continue to "sleep 1"
> and a new loop start
>     sleep 1
> done
> ++
> Jack
>> ---
>> Roman
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