1- how can i find this IEMLIB_R1.15 library, as some of the objects in the patch you sent me can not be created.

2- I am using pd extended 0.40 on mac osx

3- how can I include aubio in pd when I download it, a little guidance needed here

On 6/18/07, Andy Farnell <padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk> wrote:

I found a helpfile for "table cross corr" IEMLIB_R1.15
Don't actually have the external though myself for some

Looking at the helpfile it would be suitable for audio
after using [tabsend~] to fill the tables.

On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 17:52:42 +0200
"tania habib" <taniahabib@gmail.com> wrote:

> hello list,
> I was wondering if some body can tell me if there is an object to generate
> the cross correlation of  two signals.
> If there is, please let me know which library has it.
> regards,
> tania

Use the source