On 7/1/22 21:37, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> I think there should be a way to also get the "package webpage" when no
> matching packages are found for your system, so one could check what is
> available for. Right now you only get "Found 0 usable packages (of *X*
> packages in total)." in the log.
i don't see how this should work in practice.
the "package webpage" is more-often than not¹ a bad source for
information about "what is available".
and how would you present the data?
(unhiding data based on "no results" looks like a bad idea to me, as it
makes the search results inconsistent)
also: why would "you" (the hypothetical user of that feature) be
interested in "what is available" in the first place? would you consider
upgrading your system to Linux, just because the "gonzo" lib is not
available for macOS?
and if you are interested in other architectures, why don't you just
disable hiding foreign archs?
¹ that's a gut feeling i cannot backup with numbers.
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