2017-06-26 16:47 GMT-03:00 Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com>:
I’m not sure. Even if you don’t, on newer versions of macOS, running “git” or “make” or whatever will automatically launch the install window for the command line tools.

good, so I have that, as I suspected. Anyway, I tried " xcode-select --install", and it just confirmed with "error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates".

Anyway, moving on

2. Build Pd using autotools like in Linux:

    cd pure-data

I'm there
    ./autogen.sh <— you only need to run this if the configure script is not in the distribution (aka cloned from Github)

so, I cloned from github, which means I need to do this, right? So, I do it, and this is what I get:
 "./autogen.sh: line 21: autoreconf: command not found"

and I'm stuck already :/ 

yeah, moving on, doesn't work, I get "./configure: No such file or directory" - proving I really needed "./autogen.sh"

well, any ideas?
