here on Ubuntu 16.04, pd 0.51-1 with "-noprefs", I got expected results.

Le lun. 24 août 2020 à 17:20, cyrille henry <> a écrit :
i'm on ubuntu linux 18.04
pd 0.51.0

Le 24/08/2020 à 17:11, Christof Ressi a écrit :
> FWIW, I cannot reproduce this here on Windows. "-noprefs" doesn't make a difference for Deken and I can see all the libraries you've mentioned.
> What is your system?
> Christof
> On 24.08.2020 16:29, cyrille henry wrote:
>> ok, my guess are probably wrong, you can ignore them.
>> the fact are :
>> starting "pd -noprefs", a deken search for nusmuk gives me :
>> deken-plugin/0.5.0 (Deken externals downloader)
>>     Uploaded by zmoelnig @ 2018-06-05 21:38:10
>> deken-plugin/0.4.1 (Deken externals downloader)
>>     Uploaded by zmoelnig @ 2018-04-05 11:59:59
>> deken-plugin/0.3.1 (Deken externals downloader - MINIMUM VERSION REQUIRED FOR NEW PACKAGES)
>>     Uploaded by zmoelnig @ 2018-04-05 12:00:26
>> it's not the desired result.
>> starting "pd", a deken search for nusmuk gives me :
>> nusmuk-utils[v2015](Darwin-amd64-32)(Darwin-i386-32)(Linux-amd64-32)(Windows-i386-32)(Sources).dek
>>     Mis en ligne par 'chnry' le : 2019-03-13 10:12:20
>> nusmuk-audio[v2015](Darwin-amd64-32)(Darwin-i386-32)(Linux-amd64-32)(Linux-i386-32)(Windows-i386-32)(Sources).dek
>>     Mis en ligne par 'chnry' le : 2019-03-13 10:11:12
>> nusmuk-utils[v2019](Darwin-amd64-32)(Darwin-i386-32)(Sources).dek
>>     Mis en ligne par 'chnry' le : 2019-04-03 16:53:21
>> nusmuk-utils[v2015](Windows-amd64-32)(Sources).dek
>>     Mis en ligne par 'lucarda' le : 2019-03-15 21:15:54
>> nusmuk-audio[v2015](Windows-amd64-32)(Sources).dek
>>     Mis en ligne par 'lucarda' le : 2019-03-15 21:13:43
>> it's the desired result.
>> can someone else confirm this behaviour?
>> I also tried pmpd, shmem and various other libs, with the same kind of result in both case (with and without -noprefs flag)
>> cheers
>> Le 24/08/2020 à 16:16, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
>>> On 24.08.20 15:16, cyrille henry wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Is it the desired behaviours that deken did not find externals when used
>>>> with "pd -noprefs" ?
>>>> It look like deken propose only already downloaded externals, but not
>>>> the one on the server.
>>> hmm, that would be weird as deken does not keep track of installed
>>> externals.
>>>> I suppose a part of deken is not loaded when pd is started with -noprefs
>>>> flag, but is that really what we want?
>>> hmm, that would be weird as well.
>>> i'm not aware of any deken component that would interact with "-noprefs"
>>> (actually i think that deken - being run only on the GUI-side)
>>> completely ignores the "-noprefs" flag, for good or bad)
>>> could you post a complete search-string and the desired and actual
>>> result (which externals are you searching; which results to you get;
>>> which results did you expect?) ...1
>>>> (if not, I'll fill a bug report)
>>> ...either here on the list or in new bugreport.
>>> gfsdmar
>>> IOhannes
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