hello Krzysztof and all
cyclone library is very powerfull pack of objects and i'm happy to use this one.
but using this library i have found out a couple things which may be not so pleasant (perhaps only for windows)
first - if you use vst and cyclone libs simultaneously.
in start.bat file -lib vst has to be placed before -lib cyclone.
if otherwise, vst lib won't loaded.
but this is not so big problem, just note.
second - the counter object.
Cyclone library has counter object which exists in GEM lib also with the same name.
It means that counter object from GEM in all patches was replaced with Cyclone-counter.
but counter from cyclon works in another way and unfortunetly i need to change all patches with this object.
how to fix it?
best wishes,
i have tried the new version of cyclone-0.1-alpha44-dll37.  pd was crashed on start.