well, I was first testing it by sending a clock out from Pd with midiout into IAC Driver Bus 1 and then getting it back from the same device into Pd, same jitterness.

And I really haven't seen the clock from Live being jittery... so I don't believe that's the problem

If you have any setup and a patch that works that I can replicate here I'd like to test and see if I get the same result. 


2017-12-08 6:25 GMT-02:00 Simon Iten <itensimon@gmail.com>:
ableton live is know to have a jittery midi clock, try another master clock.

> On 8 Dec 2017, at 05:37, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, since now we're removing [midiclkin] (which never worked by the way), I'm testing a MIDI clock input with [midirealtimein].
> The idea is to extract the tempo from the clock input, as [midiclkin] would do, but I'm getting a jittered value.
> I have [midirealtimein] into a [sel 248] and then I'm measuring tempo between bangs with [timer] and I just can't get a steady tempo, [realtime] also doesn't do the trick.
> Can anyone tell me why this happens? Is it a problem with [midirealtimein]? With the time measuring objects [timer] and [realtime]?
> Is anybody else testing this and getting a steady measurement?
> For my test, I'm sending clock from Ableton Live via IAC Driver Bus 1 on a mac
> cheers
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