There's a new Pd-l2ork release:
Here's my vague recollection of what's changed:
* New preferences dialog that includes GUI settings, audio,
and MIDI settings
* GUI presets (canvas bg, xlets, Pd window, search window, etc.)
* New "Put" menu array dialog with canvas and array properties in the same dialog
* Color choices for array trace
* Bar-graph array style
* Ability to create scalars inside an object box
* New [draw] drawing command for scalars: adds svg shapes rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, and path. (No text yet)
* Affine transformations, opacity, stroke, etc. messages for new draw commands
* New tutorials and demos for [draw] object
* New image and sprite draw commands (alpha)
* Improved search-plugin
There are a lot more changes that Ivica made-- I'll let him comment on those.