> actually i think that a lot of code to review could be identified with a
grep for "\bfloat\b", so the chores might not be so horrific.

I doubt that would find everything, but that's certainly a good starting 
point if you're interested in pursuing this.


On Sunday, February 28, 2016 6:06 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:

On 02/27/2016 06:09 PM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
>> hmm, what again was wrong with my proposal to distinguish between single
> and double precision externals, allowing to have externals that would
> work on both precisions ("phat")?
> And that's just a single issue with type punning.  I doubt that's the only issue that
> can crop up from changing a data type like this, esp. when a lot of the external
> code seems to assume that t_float would only ever be an alias for float.

ah, that's a different case.
in my memories katjas conclusion was not so drastic though.

>> And the only way to tell the zombies from the survivors would be to... *gulp*...
>> actually read external library code.
>> Personally, I'd rather get eaten by a zombie than do that.

actually i think that a lot of code to review could be identified with a
grep for "\bfloat\b", so the chores might not be so horrific.



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