Happy 2024! ELSE 1.0-RC11 with Live Electronics Tutorial is out. Get it in deken, if something is funny, please tell me (waiting for raspberry pi binaries from a helping soul). Objects count is now 527, total number of examples in the tutorial is now 515! The library has 285 signal objects so far, and I just reached the mark of 200 coded/compiled signal objects (the rest are abstractions, of course)!

This 1st update of the year is quite packed, but even so I'm just arbitrarily drawing a line because of the end of my latest course. I didn't finish one big thing I've been working on which is revising and dealing with multichannel awareness for 'routing' objects (panning, fading, rotation, selection, matrix and stuff). I first dealt with most easy and fast multichannel objects but this group of objects is what I'm most excited about regarding multichannel connections. I had started with them before, I worked extensively on them some more but I'm not yet finished with them.

One cool new object is [pan~] and [pan.mc~], for circular panning with an angle input for any number of given outputs. I rewrote my [mtx~] object and now it can finally take gain values and not just on/off switches, so you can use it for routing and mixing. A cool new [mtx.mc~] object performs all this with multichannel input and output (nice). Other objects from this group worth noting are the new [xgate2.mc~] and [xselect2.mc~] objects. Also worth noting is that I am adding a 'spread' parameter in many of these objects, which control how much a sound source spreads to adjacent channels, you can use it narrow or expand. Like I said, more is to be done here and one new object I didn't include just yet is [vbap~] and [vbap.mc~] (vector based panning), hopefully next time. Total object count in ELSE now with multichannel functionalities is 82!

[note2midi] and [midi2note] now have support for quarter tones. This is me flirting with the idea of 'CAC' tools, this one works quite well with Charles Neimog's python stuff that can render scores with quarter tone support.

[tabwriter~] added index mode to set index to record to with a signal, like MAX's [poke~].

A new [abs.pd~] object is something I'm gonna use a lot myself. This makes it a bit more convenient to use [pd~]. I love I can just click on it and it'll open the loaded patch. This also allows you to use your connected MIDI device in the sub-process.

I added some functionalities to [gendyn~]. Now it takes a center frequency and it can then work more like usual oscillators, and you can use it for poliphony. I've been having fun and it's quite cool!

The [plaits~] object is finally fully functional. Added some missing modulation inputs and controllers that were needed in a couple of synthesis engines.

For last, I'm finally adding wavetable scanning in my [wavetable~] oscillator! This means you can slice a wavetable into 'n' given parts and crossfade between them. A new [wt2d~] object can slice and scan in two dimensions! There's also a new section on wavetable synthesis in my Live Electronics Tutorial.

Full changelog here:

Short term future plan is to include in ELSE a submodule I'm working on with abstractions inspired by euroracks, some of them are already in Plugdata. Working a new polyphonic module based on [gendyn~] which is pretty cool and I'm also excited to have a poliphonic PLAITS module, really excited about this (hang in there).

By the way, ELSE development is about 7 years old now, and the plan for 2024 is to finally settle with a stable final version where things don't break as much (I feel shame). The idea is to pair up with the 1.0 release of PlugData that must come out this year as well (currently in version 0.8.x).

Please support me on patreon if you like and use my stuff https://www.patreon.com/porres

you can follow me on instagram as well if you like where I'm always posting Pd development stuff https://www.instagram.com/alexandre.torres.porres/
