i'm sure you guys have the riff wave format, looked last night and my riff wave header parsing thingy is from the 16 bit era where options are chunks and ch specs all said mono or stereo and sample rates were all listed as <=44100
will grab my code and post if yall want for historical purposes.
and to hijack this thread its kinda on topic with another thread about
loading up a bunch of samplers from a folder full of samples
well after 20+ years of collecting drum samples and loops i finally indexed my entire collection and organized into what i think is the bees knees
except i have allready thought of a better way because it's still quite a job to cycle through thousands of options lol
here is part of my indexing  complications.

ls -R --ignore=*.* -1 | while read -r FILE
FILE2=$(echo $FILE | tr -d ' ')
if test -e "$FILE2" 
echo "Warning: file already exists: "
 echo mv -v "$FILE" "$FILE2"

ls -R --hide=*.txt --hide=*.TXT --hide=*.txt~ --hide=*.frm --hide=*.pk --hide=*.PK --hide=*.diz --hide=*.drp  --hide=*.DIZ --hide=*.TXT --hide=*.exe --hide=*.1st --hide=*.sh --hide=*.drums --hide=*.gif --hide=*.jpg --hide=*.html --hide=*.LOG --hide=*.trk -1  | while read -r FILE3
FILE4=$(echo $FILE3 | tr -d ' ')
if test -e "$FILE4" 
echo "Warning: file already exists: "
 echo mv -v "$FILE3" "$FILE4"
getting rid of the spacey filenames
then there was the complication that some collections of waves are their own nested collection themselves
al self similarity of the entire collection fractalized  in the most natural organization, self similarity does not always mean self organized and self indexable
so.. instead of the tree  nodal list type construct,
instead a flat out list of all the end points , the fruits of the temporal chatter bits tree
fictitious example :
imagine  a folder called bngboz
which has in it subfolders like acprc, thudz, lemonroger, rarland7enty7, rarland8ie8,  etc..
and lo and behold a listing of , thudz actually reveals the bangbit .wav fruit
however rarland7enty7 and rarland88ie8 has no such .wav fruit till you crawls off their branches
labeled something like
bass, snare, toms, cymbols
so for the main index you end up with a flat list of only the fruit containing endpoints
something like


as entries in the main index instead of just plain bngboz

then you can get to every one of your samples with only 2 moves
scrolling  through the main index , then scrolling through the samples till you find that late sound you were always looking 4

attached are pics of an interface which might not be the best way to go
am interested how Ed Kelly deals with this opening up all the samples in the end branches
so.. can we change the topic to microtonal xenharmonic soundfonts now?
talk about lessons in relative paths
perhaps i ought to relocate some patches as the mixer/recorder of WAVEFILES is located in the sequencer(burningship)
folder which has the WAVE drumloop sampler in it
as well as the "pd/congas" patch which itself is in ../polysynth/kicksnrctrl
which references back to ../burningship/sampleselect.pd
as well as other relatively zigzagishnesnoused pathz of wonder
party like it's 1999
look what i found, i thought these waves were lost

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Matt Barber <brbrofsvl@gmail.com> wrote:
Yep. Actually, I would like [soundfiler] to give the option of outputting this info without actually loading the file into arrays (sometimes you need this info before you stream a random file from disk). Could be an option in readsf~, too, but if soundfiler already does it....

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 6:01 AM, Ed Kelly via Pd-list <pd-list@lists.iem.at> wrote:
Apologies if this is a distraction.

The soundfiler object is clearly fundamental to digital music.
I think it needs a makeover. I'm willing to help, but it's been getting particularly difficult and I think, unnecessarily complicated to create patches that automatically load a folder of sound files which may be mono or stereo (or even quad?).
Since this information is contained within the header of each file (although it's a pain with the different formats), would it not be sensible to have a second outlet in soundfiler that delivers the number of channels, before the number of samples in the file is delivered from the left outlet? Perhaps also other info, but what would be relevant to a patch? I think channels is a necessary piece of information.

I prod you for a feature, and I probably have as many of these cattle prod moments hitting me from behind as I work on my patches.


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