Yeah, most of your points against externals sounds a bit like "they need to be maintained and that takes effort", I know... but I don't think that's a disadvantage of an external. If no one is willing to do it, that's another problem...
> OK,sometimes, externals can be faster. And in sometimes, it matter.
> Also, sometimes, externals can be more flexible
Yes, those are my points regarding externals. But I say they're always more flexible. Abstractions' functionalities are very limited and not flexible at all.
Do you think of a fact that would lead to reprogram it to an external?
I was pinching general points for externals in general. Nonetheless, specifically about this one, I can think of many advantages. First, when I try to open it in vanilla, I get 658 lines in the Pd window of couldn't create errors. And it'd be more if I didn't have one of the dependencies, which is cyclone... but it does need over 10 external libraries, and I don't want them all...
So, first thing I have to say is... if external libraries are bad and a pain... why does this one needs so many of them? If this was a vanilla abstraction I could understand the point... but it's more of a Pd-Extended abstraction.
And thus I tried it in Pd-Extended 0.42-5, the one I use, but I still can't get it to work. Not sure how better it is in 0.43 (which I'm not installing as it always screws things up in my system) - but it seems it needs even more not included abstractions such as 's.mmb'
So, regarding this particular example, this is a very classic one where it's quite kludgy (with so many dependencies) that I can't even open.
Now, if cyclone had a multislider object, cloned from max msp ,and then if you have cyclone (one of the libraries this abstraction needs), all you had to do is call it... and, in this case (as I pointed when I entered this thread) it'd have many more functionalites.
I understand many of the arguments if this was a vanilla abstraction, but it is not. And even if it were, GUI is something that I think is particularly better to have an external in order to potentialize its interface purposes.
From reading the email, seems there are attempts to solve many of the issues like right clicking and getting into a properties window, which I think it's impressive and I'd like to see that as I still cannot quite grasp how it'd be possible. Nonetheless, some GUI functionalities are still only possible with an external.
> - as you know, i'm using a very limited range of externals
> (pmpd / Gem and very few other).
So it doesn't seem likely you were able to check this one before discussing about it, or could you?
> - they are faster to develop (human time is more expensive than cpu time)
It doesn't seem, by looking at all the dependencies and size of the patch, plus the research on how to solve many of the existing problems that it took little time to do this. And it seems the only issue for not having done this in C or whatever is the lack of knowledge in programming skills.
> - lot's of externals are deprecated
I agree, that's why I don't like the idea of an abstraction that needs over 10 library dependencies and over 20 externals, many of which are currently unmaintained...
Anyway, making a decent GUI as an abstraction is not a trivial thing at all, as this example points out. I agree with Raphaël that there are many problems with GUI in Pd, I wish there were more... it's very limited, and being a visual graphic environment, that's a bit contrasting.
> don't use pd if you need lot's of performance, use pd if you
> want to develop fast. Use C from start to end for performance.
I use Pd cause I'm a musician and I'm not a programmer, and I just want an efficient and convenient patching environment.
> i think abstraction are preferable when possible because
I do offer a couple of abstractions that are vanilla patches, and I don't think they'd gain anything being externals, I agree with the general idea and common sense that sometimes it'll do... it'd be more convenient, and etc...
That is why I say this discussion will rely mostly in personal opinions and subjectivities, sometimes disagreements will be just subtle... so I never pointed "externals are always better, never do abstractions, just externals".
But I did jump in here to say it'd be so much better if this was just a compiled external in cyclone... and I do have a pretty strong point for that! To respond to your quote, in this case, I don't consider it convenient or preferable in this case.