Other suggestions for objects, these are quite simple to make, maybe too silly to bother as well;

[!-] & [!-~]
[!/] & [!/~]

and also the signal versions of comparatives such as

[>~], [>=~], [<~], [<=~], [!=~] & [==~]

by the way, this could all be done with simple abstractions made out of [epxr] and [expr~]. I could do them like that if you want it.


2015-01-23 14:25 GMT-02:00 Fred Jan Kraan <fjkraan@xs4all.nl>:
Hi All,

At http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/cyclone/index.html a new set of revised help-patches for the cyclone library are available. Most previous remarks are applied.

There are now previews of the Windows binaries and MacOSX. The latter is build on MacOSX 10.5 with XCode 3.14, so should have executables for PPC, i386 and i386_64. I confirmed the last two are working (10.5 and 10.8).

It remains in progress, in the task list are the fixed and remaining issues.

Fred Jan

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