i understand that but besides grid and sometimes playlist they don;t work and i wish they did. I tested the l2ork libraries for linux32 and the objects don;t work and complain about libspeex.so.1 whcih i tried symlinking etc. to no avail.
I am just trying to re-create the functionality of pd-extended in Vanilla and things are gong very well
FFTease! thanks l2ork
plugin~ " "
Soundhack [new]
else [awesome]
lyon Potpourri
+ other ones: sugpack, cyclone, zexy etc... all work
the only ones that really don't work fully are the unauthorized ones which are quite fun
just curious not trying to prescribe anything!
Patrick Pagano B.S, M.F.A
Assistant Professor in Residence
Digital Media & Design
Web & Interactive Technologies
University of Connecticut, Stamford
Since we are chatting about externals and updates
I have a question about unauthorized, i would love to use some of those externals on linux32 but they always fail with reference to libspeex.so.* and it's in the folder, i symlinked it and everything to no avail. I assume Sevvy is long gone? I have not seen any of hist posts since the whole license war thing bt some of those externals [spigot~] [cooled~] scratcher~ etc... were fun.
Anyone have an idea how i might get those to work and if they do not work should we remove them finally?