We all have our lists, but one useful thing is to check out various course materials for computer music courses at different university/college settings. Sometimes they post listening lists as part of the materials, and you can get an idea of what other people are teaching.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Samuel Burt <composer.samuel.burt@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been teaching classes for several years now and always provide examples of electronic music from the origins to the 70s. I've also been integrating a little historical background of modern dance music. What I'm really lacking is a substantial list of important works that have been made possible by personal computers, especially those that incorporate interactivity or couldn't have been made without intense digital processes like FFT or granularization. I'm familiar with a few, but is there already a good list to draw from so I don't get bored from repetition?

Works created in Pd are even better for selling the idea of learning to program interactive media.


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